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Change in Fishing Patterns in Jammu and Kashmir Provinces of J and K-A Comparative Study

Imtiyaz Qayoom1 * , Masood ul1 and Bilal Ahamad Bhat1

1 Faculty of Fisheries, Sher-e-Kashmir, University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir, Rangil Ganderbal, 190000 Jammu and kashmir India

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.1.20

Jammu and Kashmir serves a congenial habitat for variety of fish species due to large number of cold water resources which has paved way for the development of fisheries sector in the state. The state has crossed 20.0 thousand tonnes of fish production because of modern aquacultural practices implied at both governmental and private levels. Kashmir province is a leading producer of fishes contributing more than 80% of the total production of the state while as Jammu on the other hand has also emerged as a major producer of animal protein through fisheries sector. The fish production data of four decades reflects increasing trend of production in all commercially important species of both the provinces. However the statistical models forecasting the future production provide an idea about the growth patterns in fishes. In this paper, growth pattern of three different fish species (Trout, Mirror carp and Country fish) from Kashmir province and various fishes from Jammu province (collectively named as Jammu fish) of the state was assessed using fish production data from 1956-57 to 2011-12. Forecasting of fish production was made on the basis of the best fitted statistical models. Results showed that Kashmir province shows overall compound growth of 4.2% against 7.9% of increased compound growth rate of fish production of Jammu province since 1956-57. Cubic model was found to be the best fitted model for all the species in both the regions. However, when future fish production of the state is taken into consideration, the statistical models indicated a decreasing trend in the overall fish production of both the provinces. Besides, the matter of concern is that the demand of 70,000 thousand tonne consumption of fish protein in the state which is a milestone yet to be achieved.

Fishing patterns; Water use; Fish production; Statistical models; R square; Compound Growth Rate

Copy the following to cite this article:

Qayoom I, Balkhi M. H, Bhat B. A. Change in Fishing Patterns in Jammu and Kashmir Provinces of J and K – A Comparative Study. Curr World Environ 2015;10(1) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.1.20

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Qayoom I, Balkhi M. H, Bhat B. A. Change in Fishing Patterns in Jammu and Kashmir Provinces of J and K – A Comparative Study. Curr World Environ 2015;10(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=8678

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Received: 2015-05-12
Accepted: 2015-07-17


Jammu and Kashmir is known as a tourist destination due to its munificence of blossoms and magnanimity of resorts, the state is holding huge water spread area of 57000 hectares approximately out of which about 24000 hectares are in the shape of lakes, marshy areas and reservoirs and 23000 hectares in the shape of river systems (Anayat and Arjamand 2013). These water bodies are home to various freshwater organisms of plant and animal origin serving congenial habitats for their well being. Temperate and tropical zones of the state offer a potential resource for the development of cold & warm water fisheries including Trouts, Schizothoracines, Indian major carps and Chinese carps. The Fisheries Development Programme was launched with the object of increasing the fish production by establishment and up gradation of fish farms, hatcheries, popularisation of fish farming in private sector, imparting training to fish farmers and creating infrastructure for marketing of fish (Wagay, 2012) Moreover, under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme, National Mission for Protein Supplement (NMPS), a new activity has been sanctioned in which cage/pen culture units are to be established in water bodies like reservoirs and lakes with the financial assistance from Government of India. It is due to these efforts that fish production which was 18.46 thousand tonnes in 2000-01, has now reached 20.0 thousand tonnes in 2013-14 (J&K Fisheries Department). While as that of famous trout has touched 262.00 tonnes during 2013-14. Among the ten districts of Kashmir valley, Baramulla leads in the fish production (42770.40 quintals) followed by district Bandipora which contributes about 34970.60 quintals of total fish production of the valley (Report by department of Fisheries J&K). From Jammu province, district Jammu leads in fish production (6657.90 quintals) followed by Kathua and Udhampur districts that contribute 4481.70 and 4195.00 quintals respectively. Therefore the study was undertaken to forecast the fish production on the basis of data collected from 1956 –57 and best fitted statistical models applied on it to assess whether the modern technologies implied the field will continue to enhance the production of fishes in these regions in future.

Material and Methods

The work has been carried out on secondary data. Main sources of data collection include Year books; Statistical Digest, audit reports, research papers and data available on the website of Department of State Fisheries Jammu and Kashmir. The data consisted of the annual production of three different fish species viz. Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), Mirror carp (Cyprinus carpio specularis) and Country fish (Schizothoracine species) from Kashmir province and various fishes from Jammu region collectively named as Jammu fish. Various statistical models were applied in order to predict the future production of fishes in the state. The Compound Growth Rates were estimated using the following equation:

Log Y  =  log  a  + t log  b                                    ….… (1)

Where Y = Fish Production t   = time trend, denoting years Compound growth rate in percent = {antilog of (log b) – 1}*100 Equation (1) was fitted to the given data using “Least Square Method” and “Goodness of Fit” is assessed by the coefficient of determination R square. Besides assessing a comparative growth performance of different species of Kashmir, a prediction of the future production was also made on the basis of prediction models and related to the demand of protein in the province.


Results obtained from the present study showed an increase in the trend of fish production of both the regions with compound growth rate of 7.2% in Jammu while as in Kashmir province was found 4.2 % only. The annual percentage increase in growth of fish production in Jammu and Kashmir is given in the Table 1.

Table: 1. Annual Percentage Increase in Growth Rate of Fish Production.
S. No Year Trout Mirror Carp Country Fish Total Jammu Fish Total State
1 1957 12 2207 4138 6357 839 7196
2 1967 44 33741 11403 45188 2366 47554
    (266.67) (1428.88) (175.57) (610.84) (182.00) (560.84)
3 1977 81 46112 21904 68097 2210 70307
    (84.09) (36.66) (92.09) (50.69) (- 6.59) (47.85)
4 1987 154 71060 32560 103774 5340 109114
    (0.009) (0.005) (0.004) (0.005) (0.014) (0.005)
5 1997 248 112021 40588 152857 22944 175801
    (61.039) (57.64) (24.66) (47.298) (329.663) (61.117)
6 2007 1520 116835 43028 161383 30617 192000
    (512.90) (4.297) (6.012) (5.578) (33.44) (9.21)
7 2013 2600 78508 38150 118668 28332 199500
    (71.053) (-32.804) (-11.34) (-26.47) (-7.46) (3.91)
Forecasts showed cubic model to be the best fitted model for all fish species in both the provinces. The R2 calculated by least square method was found 0.946 for overall fish production of Kashmir valley (Table 2).

Table 2: Model Summary and Parameter Estimates of Total Fish Production of Kashmir
Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates
R2 F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 b2 b3
Linear .851 256.137 1 45 .000 3.314E4 3.142E3    
Logarithmic .861 279.547 1 45 .000 -3.405E4 4.899E4    
Inverse .449 36.677 1 45 .000 1.268E5 -1.934E5    
Quadratic .930 292.566 2 44 .000 2.079E3 6.945E3 -79.226  
Cubic .946 250.353 3 43 .000 1.953E4 2.798E3 134.514 -2.969
Compound .651 83.944 1 45 .000 3.484E4 1.042    
Power .916 489.434 1 45 .000 1.047E4 .749    
S .799 179.089 1 45 .000 11.798 -3.826    
Growth .651 83.944 1 45 .000 10.459 .041    
Exponential .651 83.944 1 45 .000 3.484E4 .041    
Logistic .651 83.944 1 45 .000 2.870E-5 .960    

Table 3: Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Total Production of Jammu
Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates
R2 F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 b2 b3
Linear .828 217.169 1 45 .000 -4.830E3 823.113    
Logarithmic .570 59.652 1 45 .000 -1.587E4 1.058E4    
Inverse .181 9.923 1 45 .003 1.800E4 -3.257E4    
Quadratic .850 124.542 2 44 .000 -540.658 297.912 10.942  
Cubic .901 130.143 3 43 .000 7.782E3 -1.679E3 112.847 -1.415
Compound .773 153.114 1 45 .000 1.391E3 1.079    
Power .651 84.066 1 45 .000 368.927 1.085    
S .300 19.311 1 45 .000 9.449 -4.028    
Growth .773 153.114 1 45 .000 7.238 .076    
Exponential .773 153.114 1 45 .000 1.391E3 .076    
Logistic .773 153.114 1 45 .000 .001 .927    
Table 4:  Model Summary and Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable of Jammu & Kashmir
Equation Model Summary Parameter Estimates
R2 F df1 df2 Sig. Constant b1 b2 b3
Linear .888 356.671 1 45 .000 2.831E4 3.965E3    
Logarithmic .835 227.467 1 45 .000 -4.991E4 5.957E4    
Inverse .402 30.234 1 45 .000 1.448E5 -2.260E5    
Quadratic .927 278.035 2 44 .000 1.547E3 7.242E3 -68.277  
Cubic .949 268.012 3 43 .000 2.732E4 1.119E3 247.303 -4.383
Compound .713 112.058 1 45 .000 3.611E4 1.045    
Power .936 661.805 1 45 .000 1.071E4 .780    
S .766 147.506 1 45 .000 11.914 -3.859    
Growth .713 112.058 1 45 .000 10.494 .044    
Exponential .713 112.058 1 45 .000 3.611E4 .044    
Logistic .713 112.058 1 45 .000 2.769E-5 .957    

Table: 5 Forecast of Fish Production in Jammu and Kashmir Provinces
Year Trout Mirror carp Country fish Total  production of Kashmir Jammu  Fish Total production of the state
2014 – 15 2295.20 111118 40170.1 152896 38968.8 191865
2015 – 16 2441.32 110739 39779.2 152156 40328.0 192484
2016 – 17 2591.77 110247 39344.2 151257 41709.2 192967
2017 – 18 109643 109643 109643 150200 43112.2 193313
2019 – 20 2746.56 108927 38865.0 148985 44537.1 193523
2020 – 21 3069.14 108098 37774.0 147611 45983.9 193596
2021 – 22 3236.94 107156 37162.3 146079 47452.6 193533
2022 – 23 3409.07 106102 36506.3 144388 48943.1 193333
2023 – 24 3585.54 104935 35806.2 142539 50455.6 192996
2024 - 25 3766.34 103655 35061.8 140531 51989.9 192523
Fig. 1: Graph representing the forecasted fish production of Jammu and Kashmir provinces Figure 1: Graph Representing the Forecasted
Fish Production of Jammu and Kashmir provinces  

Click here to View figure

Total fish production of the state does not show an appreciable increase in the coming decade, despite the annual fish production data depicts increase in quantum fish production every year. Future production models showing a feeble increase in the production of trout (Table 5) may be attributed to various intensive trout culture and rearing units operating mostly under governmental supervision valley wide. Decline in the production of country fish (Schizothoracines) is attributed to its sensitive response to polluting environments unlike the mirror carps which have ability to withstand adverse environmental conditions (Table 5).

On the other hand the Jammu fish which mainly comprise of hardy fishes like Indian major carps and exotic carps have ability to grow in natural as well as in captive habitats. It is the reason that statistical models reflect increase in fish production in future. The results obtained showed that there is a continuous growth in fish production. On the basis of fitted models we present the forecasts of fish production as shown in Table 6. Kashmir valley has reached population of 6.907623 million (Bureau of census, India, 2013). The recommended intake of fish per capita for people of India is 13 kg (Manual of Fishery Statistics, Govt. of India 2011). It implies that we need 89.7million kg of fish in the state to ensure the eradication of protein deficiency against 161248 quintals (Fisheries department J & K) of fish presently got from both capture and culture practices. In other words, there is a huge gap between the demand and supply of fish. The 27781 Km. length of Rivers / streams facilitates farming of more than 40 million tonnes of fish.

Unscientific cultural practices, less availability of technical staff and non utilization of water resources up to their full potential might be the prime causes for the dwindling development of the sector in the valley. Moreover, when predicting the future development of fisheries sector and fish production, the graph doesn’t show sharp increase as shown up till now. In other words we will not be able to increase our fish production up to the level to meet the demand of protein. This might be due to the non implementation of scientific methodology, less availability of the technical staff, lack of funds and oblivion to the technical know how in the field (Qayoom et al,. 2014).  Hence the compendia for the same demands the adoption of scientific methods in both capture and culture fisheries to meet the protein demand and reduce malnutrition.

  1. Annual Reports published by the Department of Fisheries J&K State. Digest J&K 2006 – 07.
  2. Manual of Fishery statistics. 2011. Government of India, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation New Delhi.
  3. Noor-ul Hassan and D. N. Pandey 2012. Present status of trout fisheries in Jammu and Kashmir. IOSR Journal of Pharmacy.2(5):35-37.
  4. Qayoom, I., Wali, A., Balkhi, M. H. and Bhat, B.A. 2014. Utilization of Water Resources and Fishing Patterns in Kashmir Valley – A Case Study. Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences. 4(2):1233-1239.
  5. Wagay, Yaseen, Mohammad. 2012. “Economics of fisheries in Jammu and Kashmir: A case study of district Anantnag”. M.Phill Thesis. P.G. Department of Economics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. Websites http://jkfisheries.in/top_table.htm. http://jkfisheries.in/achievements.htm