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Effects of Boiling Water Temperature on Biofilm Formation in PTI Community Potable Water

E.A. Fadairo1 * and M.I. Otite-Douglas1

1 Industrial Safety and Environmental Technology Department, Petroleum Training Institute Effurun, PMB 20 Effurun, Delta State Nigeria

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.1.10

This study investigated the effects of boiling temperature and associated physico-chemical parameters on the Petroleum Training Institute potable water and the possibility of biofilm formation in its delivery systems.  A total of 25 potable water samples were used for this study. The environmental parameters investigated were pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), dissolved oxygen (DO1), / DO5, salinity, resistivity, total coliform bacteria (as an indicator of possible biofilm presence in the distribution system) and biofilm .  An overall prevalence of <1 of the total coliform bacteria was observed in the plus-boiling  and minus-boiling potable water sample, except for the female hostel which showed moderate stain for the qualitative biofilm test. For the minus-boiling water sample, pH values were between 5.04±0.47 to 6.82±0.48; Total suspended solids ranged between 0.09±0.05-0.17±0.02, total dissolved solid ranged between 4.07±0.73 to 5.58±0.70, conductivity values ranged between 8.02±0.90 to 11.54±1.67, dissolved oxygen ranged between 1.97±0.26 to 3.12 ±0.13, the DO5 ranged between 1.91±0.32 to 2.72± 0.29 while resistivity ranged between 7.79±0.13 to 10.88±0.18. Values  for the Plus-boiling and filtered samples showed a pH range of  6.02±0.26 to 6.95±0.26; conductivity 7.21±0.10 to 9.88±0.67; DO ranged between 1.01±0.14 to 2.08±0.35, DO 5 was 1.02±0.02 to 2.01±0.38, TSS and TDS ranged between 0.02±0.001, 3.74±0.62 to 0.03±0.002 and 4.95±0.42 respectively while resistivity ranged between 1.02±0.11 to 1.98±0.16. For all parameters analyzed, values obtained falls within the WHO limit for potable water except for the qualitative biofilm test on FSH minus-boiling water sample which gave moderate stain with 0.1% crystal violet stain and the pH values which fall below WHO acceptable limits. Boiling and filtration of potable water irrespective of the source is campaigned from this study in order to enhance the prevention and management of water borne diseases within the institute community.

Boiling Temperature; Biofilm Formation; Physico-Chemical Changes; PTI Community

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Fadairo E. A and Otite-Douglas M. I, Khardiwar M. S, Kumar S. Effects of Boiling Water Temperature on Biofilm Formation in Pti Community Potable Water. Curr World Environ 2015;10(1) DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.10.1.10

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Fadairo E. A and Otite-Douglas M. I, Khardiwar M. S, Kumar S. Effects of Boiling Water Temperature on Biofilm Formation in Pti Community Potable Water. Curr World Environ 2015;10(1). Available from: http://www.cwejournal.org/?p=9021