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Mineralogical Study of Respirable Dust in Artisanal Small-scale Quarries of Misisi Compound, Lusaka, Zambia

Victor Mutambo1 * and Catherine Munchini2

1 University of Zambia, School of Mines, Department of Mining Engineering, Lusaka, Zambia

2 University of Zambia, School of Mines, Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing, Lusaka, Zambia

Corresponding author Email: vmutambo@unza.zm

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.18.1.13

Misisi compound in Lusaka is characterized by artisanal small scale quarrying activities which are often dusty in nature and prone to hazards. This study reports respirable dust concentration and the mineralogical composition of rocks in the workplace. Dust sampling was carried out with the help of gravimetric samplers at five quarries. Respirable dust samples were collected during digging, chiselling, crushing, and loading sites. The results of the sampled dust indicated high levels of respirable dust at all five quarry crushing sites. For example, based on Time Weighted Average (TWA), the respirable dust concentration at the crushing site was recorded as 12.75 mg/m3 at quarry#1 compared to the Maximum Allowable Concentration (MAC) of 5 mg/m3 of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The results of mineralogical testing and analyses revealed that marble was the common rock type that was being mined by most of the ASMs in the studied area. Based on the point count data analysis, marble contained 98% CaCO3 and 2% SiO2.

Artisanal Small Scale; Dust concentration; Dust assessment; Quarrying, Dust sampling

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Mutambo V, Munchini C. Mineralogical Study of Respirable Dust in Artisanal Small-scale Quarries of Misisi Compound, Lusaka, Zambia. Curr World Environ 2023;18(1). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.18.1.13

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Mutambo V, Munchini C. Mineralogical Study of Respirable Dust in Artisanal Small-scale Quarries of Misisi Compound, Lusaka, Zambia. Curr World Environ 2023;18(1).